On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > You just need to be sure that the first partition is in the first 1023
> > cylinders for LILO to work ok. If the hardware can access the rest of
> > the drive, then Linux should be able to as well. LILO just needs to be
> > able to get at the system files to do its job, and as long as the first
> > partition is in the first 1023 cylinders, all should be well, I think.
> > As for the remaining space, I think it is up to you how you partition
> > it.
> I have been reading these sort of things for an age now, and I think the
> penny has just dropped - when we say first partition - can I take it we mean
> the first Linux partition - I hope so coz then the penny really has dropped!
Nope. The kernel MUST be in the first 1024 Cylinders of a
hard drive. ANY hard drive. Whether that means you have to
create a small Linux partition BEFORE Windows, or whether
you have to put it on another hard drive entirely, then
that's what it means. After that, size really is not

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