
On Tue 2003-04-01 at 19:14:10 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> OK, here we go, now I think I have located why RP-PPPoE doesn't work
> however it didn't get me anywhere, I installed PPP2.4.1, which doesn't
> seems to be installed by default and after some dependencyproblems I got
> it installed, and then I installed RP-PPPoE-package and tried to run
> adsl-setup
> but it claims to not being able to start pppd and that I need to install PPP
> 2.3.something
> but as I earlier stated 2.4.1 is installed which rpm -q confirms, anyone
> knows
> what I can do there, is a simple reboot enough which seems to be strange....

There is somthing strange. Which version of Mandrake do you use?
ppp-2.4.1 belong to 9.1. But 9.1. comes with the following rp-pppoe:

  $ rpm -q rp-pppoe
  $ rpm -q --requires rp-pppoe
  ppp >= 2.4.1

In other words, you should have been unable to install
rp-pppoe-3.5-2mdk without ppp-2.4.1 at least.

I am not sure what your problem is, but one possible explanation would
be some mixed 9.0/9.1 install.



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