I have looked at the USR page entitled "Configuring
U.S. Robotics Modems for use under Unix-Type Systems" 
... but I can't understand the instructions.

I'm using kppp as the dialer, and still have the init
strings that were suggested by Stephen Kuhn (btw,
Stephen, I am unable to send email to you ... comes
back with an error message)

...could it be that I need to change the init string
to fit the external modem?

Is there anyone on this list who is using this
external modem, and who can suggest a workable init

Here is what is happening: Modemconf detects the modem
on ttyS0. Modem Query goes well ....

The connection messages are as follows:

AT&F &C1 &D2 E1 Q0 V1
ATDT (tel #)
CONNECT 26400(or28000)/ARQ

At this point, with "starting pppd" at the bottom of
the Script Debug Window, and "Logging on to Network
..." on the "Connecting to:" window, it starts over
("modem ready .... etc") ... continuous loop.

Any ideas on solutions???



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