On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Eric Solberg wrote:

> I need to allow zone transfers to my ISP (pacbell) for secondary DNS.  In my 
>named.conf I have:
> zone ""{
>         type master;
>         file "";
>         allow-transfer{
>                 ns1.pbi.net;
>                 ns2.pbi.net;
>         };
> };
> >From my logs though I see that this is failing:
> Sep 29 00:36:56 ns named[1419]: unapproved AXFR from [].42136 for 
>"" (acl)
> Will this work if I change the allow-transfer entries to the ip addresses, or is 
>there some other access-control-list that I need to set up to allow this?
> Thanks,
> Eric Solberg

Yep, i think [ns1.pbi.net]; will work too but don't quote me on that

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