On Sunday 01 June 2003 10:02 pm, g graced me with:

> and, in addition to what i wrote before, i say this;
>   give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
>   teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time.
>   show a newbie bad habits and you teach him wrong for a life time.

It's human nature to take the path of least resistance, "g". That goes 
beyond "newbieism". Any bad habits taught here are usually by 
accident. Of course, if someone more knowledgable teaches me a bad or 
lazy way to solve a problem, I would consider it based on it's 
ability to get the results I want. I am results oriented, though I 
still want to know "why?". Most newbies are interested in solving a 

You're being anal about procedures. We tolerate poorly worded 
questions and lack of thorough reading because we all have been there 
and understand why it happens. You would filter the less than perfect 
out of Linux. Sounds like the attitude of some ten years ago. 
Thankfully, those people are no longer hindering the progress of 
Linux with their primitive biases.

> how many newbies use html? too damn many.

Because they don't know it has harmful side-affects and there's been 
no one to tell them differently. Until now. Accept that and move on 
to help, instead of complaining.

> how many newbies take time to read help files? very few.

I really don't know that number, "g". I am sure to agree with you that 
not enough do. I will also ask you to realize that not all docs were 
designed for newbies to understand. I can attest to that and would 
argue with anyone that this is true. And if docs are read and not 
understood, isn't the point of this list to give the human element, 
which is often what is needed to break the ice to understanding?

> how many newbies make there first question 'how do i send plain
> text'? none 

Duh! That's so stupid. In the world that I live in, the ignorant are 
not omniprescient. Your standards are way too high for this list and 
its desired intention. When a newbie lists asks newbies to act like 
experts to learn how not to be newbies, they need to change the name 
of their list to 'apprenticing experts'. 

Today's GUI email clients are designed to make HTML mail automatic and 
transparent to the user. It wasn't always that way, as you well know. 
Where it use to be a challenge to find how to make it your default, 
now it can be a challenge to turn it off. Stop whipping people for 
not knowing what to do. Lighten up and give constructive criticism, 
or let it go and mumble your concerns to yourself.

> how many experts use html to reply to an html newbie?
> too damn many.

Again, I found myself in this situation and was repremanded in a very 
respectful way. Once I was alerted, I investigated the problem and 
came up with a solution. Someone then told me later on that I should 
have a line length to keep my lines within readability. I didn't even 
realize what was happening. It wasn't obvious because I wasn't 
looking. I was asked to change this and I complied, even thanked the 
person for telling me. Would you have had me whipped and scourged 
instead? That's a great teaching method.

> most every one who subscribes to this list is aware that there is a
> request for subscribers to use 'text/plain'.

I would like to see a ratio of numbers to understand what you mean by 
'most'. Over fifty percent? Seventy-five? Ninety-nine-point-nine? How 
can you make such an assumption when you really can't know? Are you 
telling me that you have the ability to read the minds of lurkers and 
posters alike and see who does, who doesn't, and form such an 
opinion? And if you saw such facts posted through one of your Google 
searches, does that number specifically apply to this list, this 
forum, this time and place?

You have a habit of assuming that everyone around you just knows 
what's right and wrong. You are right in your motive, I'll give you 
that. You are terribly wrong in your delivery of a viable solution.

> there is no excuse for any user of aol, eudora, mozilla, kmail,
> ximian, ole, or multitude of other email progs, to send text/html.
> yet they do.

There's no excuse for making a mistake, not knowing the answer to a 
problem, not being able to do something correctly, not being able to 
see the way to make something work. So? Welcome to what makes us Homo 
Sapiens. That's why our courts have judges, we have lawyers to plead 
our side of the story, why we give second chances and accept 

> why? because they really do not give a damn about anyone but them
> selves. or so it seems, because they continue to send text/html.

You must be psychic, "g". For you seem to be the only one I have met 
that can make such generalizations without proof and be indignant 
about no one taking you seriously. You have no proof or any numbers 
to base such a negative bias on. You are being negatively anal about 
a real issue that deserves attention.

> crawl my butt, flame me, call me what ever you want to, but i still
> contend that there is no reason for anyone on this list to send
> text/html.

There's no reason that anyone "should", but there are reasons why 
anyone "does". Your asking for an elite club to be formed instead of 
a forum for newbies to come and learn about a new way of computing. 
If that ever happens, I'm outta here. I dare say many would feel the 
same. Is that what you want? 

> so, raise hell with me about 'pitiful, poor newbies' who can not
> help but send html.

Just admit it to yourself, "g". You really like to be butt whipped. 
Why else would you come back to this list for seconds? <shaking my 
head in wonderment>

> but, before you show how little you are aware of, check this site;
>   http://www.expita.com/nomime.html

So? Was I suppose to be super enlightened? Nothing there for me to 
learn. Yet I still made the same mistake as some newbies do just out 
of being unaware that my messages were coming through one way or 
another. I rely on my peers to set me straight, as I would them. 
That's what this list does. The word I think used is...."help".

> and for those using eudora, i suggest you check iss sight to see
> how unsafe eudora is, even when using text/plain.

OK. Your submitting the URL is the first positive thing you have used 
in your argument. If you had skipped the other crap and just referred 
that to this along with respectful requests, I wouldn't be wasting my 
time on this post when I should be getting ready for my trip.

You don't seem to understand that no one disagrees with your peeve, 
just your way of dealing with it. Instead of drawing supportive 
attention, you have supporters frowning at your blatant intolerance 
and prejudice of newbies (on a newbies list, can you believe it?) and 
everyone rolling their eyes to see where this is all going. 

At least I can thank you for the URL. Now, we *all* can refer it to 
those who didn't realize or didn't understand. 

> btw. anne, this is not in any way reflecting towards you. it is
> just that i did not care to go thru all of these unnecessary post
> and find one to use for reply. and no, i have never said that i was
> not lazy.

No comment.


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