On 01-Oct-99 Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Eosnet Team wrote:
>> > http://www.netscape.com/download/selectlanguage_1_702_411.html
>> >
>> >
>> > Here is a link to the latest version of netscape. (maybe more stable?)
>> >
>> I wouldn't recommend it, it's just as broken as the 4.61. (everybody
>> remebers the segfault on link insertion right?)
>> --
>> MandrakeSoft          http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
>>                                         --Axalon
>                           --Axalon
> EXCUSE ME!!  That statement really puts me off!  4.61 is what is in
> Mandrake's updates for 6.0!!??  It was recommended in this forum as an
> acceptable fix for the problems associated with 4.5.  Now you say this
> new (4.7) version is just as bad as the fix we had for the Mandrake 6.0
> distribution (which I still am using).  Well, what's that mean,
> EXACTLY!!??  If 4.7 is just as bad as 4.61 then upgrading to it
> shouldn't be any more of a problem than continuing to use 4.61, or
> should it??!!  Sheeesh!!!!

Whoah, calm down.  Right now any version of Netscape compiled with glibc has
some problems, because Mandrake uses a newer version of glibc than the one
Netscape is being compiled with.  However, I think the version of Netscape 4.61
currently being used by Mandrake is compiled with the older libc5, which clears
up the problems.  I think Axalon may have meant that the glibc version of 4.7
doesn't clear up the problems that the earlier versions compiled with glibc had.

I'm using Netscape 4.7 (glibc version) right now and it's working just peachy
(but so did the glibc version of 4.6, for me), but then again I don't use
Composer, just Navigator; for the fun of it I fired up Composer and tried
adding a link to a webpage just now, and it predictably crashed.

I think they also provide a libc5 version of 4.7, though, and I assume that
should work as well as the 'stable' 4.61.

The download time isn't really worth it though; as far as I can tell, the only
things they add are integration with AOL Instant Messenger (oh whoopee),
'Netscape Radio', and a button on the toolbar that says 'Shop'.  The first one
is Windows-only of course, and the second one is unuseable because it only
works with a PLUGIN of RealPlayer G2, of which a Linux version does not yet
exist.  And the last one is nothing more than a bookmark in the more intrusive
form of a button, to a page on their Netcenter site with links to shopping
sites.  As if we couldn't find cdnow.com and amazon.com on our own, and as if
we're really gullible enough to accept that advertising as being some kind of
nifty new feature (well okay I guess some people are that gullible, but not many
of them are using Linux.)


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