On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 01:01, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 June 2003 07:19 pm, ed tharp wrote:
> > no reason your linux box could not do the same thing, if you want, with
> > 2 network cards, but you should have no problem with dhcp enabled. what
> > does ifconfig say? maybe you are connected.
> Thats what I've got right now - a Linksys card as eth0 and hooked to the cable 
> modem, and the internal NIC with a Soyo Dragon Plus MB for my 3 comp LAN.
> Here is the results from ifconfig:
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:8A:8D:2D:8A  
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>           RX packets:250 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>           TX packets:260 errors:9 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:18
>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
>           RX bytes:24272 (23.7 Kb)  TX bytes:28287 (27.6 Kb)
>           Interrupt:11 Base address:0xd000 
> (The HWaddr is the same as the MAC address on the bottom of the cable modem, 
> and thats ok, right? Also, is an ip address that my browser can 
> connect to - it shows the html config page for the cable-modem. I'm assuming 
> that should also be my gateway, correct?)

Can't speak for the rest but I can deduce based on my own experience that the HWADDR 
shouldn't be the same as the cable modems.  That should be unique to your NIC AFAIK.

(argh isn't there a word wrap in Evo?!)

I had to do "ifconfig up eth0" then run MCC's silly wizard to get connected after 
toggling "expert" mode in there & setting up my gateway config properly too.

PITA. Took me 10Min's to figure that out!


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