At 11:45 AM 6/8/2003 -0400, you wrote:
I see the usual attempts at running windows scripts, but one thing
stumps me. I see this occasionally as well, from different addresses
on the same subnet as me (64.x.x.x): - - [07/Jun/2003:23:59:37 -0400] "GET
ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a  HTTP/1.0" 404 393 "-" "-"

it doesn't correspond with any "visitors" to the server.

I'm Googling now, but anyone know what this is?


at a guess...malformed packet. Apache IIRC discards them at port entry. WIndows doesn't & tries to read it less you have zonealarm or another good firewall. Linux by itself will try to read it too. This results (with enough of them) in a crash of the OS.

This ofc assumes I'm correct. I also assume a spoofed IP addy from a script kiddy.

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

Good Decisions Your boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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