----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Scottaline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 1999 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Re: [newbie] Ears dont work]


> Easy here Ian,
> I'm not sure you are even aware of which poster you are addressing.

I know exaclty who I was addressing thank you. Can only suggest you re-read
it & join me.

>  I believe your original assault was on Axalon.

Indirectly, and in a reply to another  - yes. And you'll have to trust me on
this, but that was NOT an assault. ;-)

>  Now you're responding to Steve Philps response to your original assault.

Quite so, and there we go with the assault stuff again.

>  You did NOT write hime the "stinking response" HE deserved.

Oh yes I did.

>  You wrote to Ax.

Not once, on this issue, at that time.

> Anyway, that's all beside the point....

I must disagree - it's almost the entire point!

> Stop being so sensitive.

Well you just do the insensitive for me - ok! You'll be fine.

>  Both Steve and Ax are among the most knowledgeable people on this list.

Fine. Sure seemed that way to me - there's others I'd like to mention, but
that'd be a waste of space and time.

>  They don't monitor a newbie list because they need advice.

Does seem a tad unlikely doesn't it.

> They give it freely.

Fine - as you say, freely, ie no strings right?

>  You and I are here to learn.

Indeed so.

>  Let's NOT bl;ast
> those that are in the best position to give us support.

Let's apply our own personal values to ourselves where they best belong
shall we? They might be good for us, but not for everyone else.

I would never dream of letting someone think that I thought they were ok
just so I could get some info out of them - which appears to be what you are
hinting at in there.

On the other hand people always know exactly where they stand with me - I
tend to be direct, but it's my choice, I expect to earn their respect for
that much, not demand it like some would. People are free to choose on that.

> ===============================================
> > Mostly though if you ever want to upset me, then get judgemental -
> > do it every time - but it will get ugly at that point - you have been
> > warned! ;-)
> ======================================
> Even with the emoticon, that sounds too much like a threat.

don't be so ridiculous, now who's acting too sensitive - do the phrases
"ironic humour" and "satire" hold any meaning meaning for you?

It's just (slightly darker than most) humour - grow up, stand up, and deal
with it.

>  Cool it

I have no idea who you THINK you are - but you appear to be in error.

> young man.

I'll thank you for that if little else - it's been a while. ;-)

It's been great Michael, and now it's over.


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