Civileme wrote:
> You folk are gonna run me out of a good email handler<g>
> Well, Grail is written in Python and is a stagnant project looking for a
> sponsor.
> Konqueror coming up in KDE 2.0 is downright encouraging, but who knows?
> IE is an accident asking to happen to your computer (well running windows
> connected to the internet is as well and mIRC and ICQ (windows version) are
> all risky.
> Amaya might be nice if extended in that direction.
> Jazilla and Kzilla are interesting.  The Mozilla Project ....  well is it
> GPL or is it AOL?
> I'd be willing to work on a Grail Project, but with conditions.  No support
> ever for *.gif and *.tiff files, or anything else that some technology
> company with one CEO and 200 lawyers make money off of a ridiculous patent
> about.  A free browser free of "patent infringements".   At least, outside
> America, people aren't usually allowed to copyright or patent mathematical
> facts.  Anyone interested?
> Civileme
> David van Balen wrote:
> <SNIP>
> >
> > It now supports cookies. However, it still doesn't have near as good
> > html/java/macromedia support as even "nutscrape" :)
> >
> > Has anyone out there tried Sun's HotJava browser? It tried it once under
> > NT and that was one of the few times that NT screwed up so bad I had to
> > reboot manually... I've heard that it works a lot better under unix
> > systems though.
> > Or maybe some other browser? I'm getting kind of tired of dealing with
> > Netscape myself and wish I had some other options... anyone?
> >
> > >
> > > Alan
> > >
> >
> > David van Balen                         mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Box 5054                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

 Clinton, MS 39058             
I tried Hot Java on Linux and its too slow.   Also the cookies don't
work good I can't get into many sites with login's with Hot Java.

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