> Jaguar wrote:
> From a Windows pro, but Linux stupid...:)
> I have a few systems here..and as yet I don't have a working network.
> I wouold like to know if there is an easy way to transfer a Linux
> program (D/L'ed from the Net on Win98) from my PC to my Linux
> system...I can connect the hard-drive ( I have that Util that is
> supposed to look at Linux drives (Explore2FS.exe)) to the Win98
> system, but what method should/could I use to "copy" from 98 to
> Mandrake?
> Thanks in advance...:)

Maybe a LapLink cable? or null modem cable?  Either one will be faster
than a floppy disk.

I don't think Explore2FS will write to ext2 partitions, last I knew it
was read-only.

Other than that, I'd suggest at least getting the Win98 and Linux
machines talking across the network.  FTP files from Win98 to Linux for
the easiest transfer.  If you get ambitious, you could setup Linux with
Samba and write to it that way...

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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