Get a PS/2 mouse and free up com one.. :)  There are also serial device
sharing gadgets out there as well.  This is why USB was thought up.  The
present seral port system became more and more inferior as more and more
external devices came out and needed their own little resource.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ripcrd6
> Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 4:34 PM
> Subject: Re: [[newbie] Setting up a modem]
> Not to complain, but, what are you supposed to do if you have something
> plugged into the only serial port?   An internal ISA is the only option.
> Where I work there are a lot of pieces of equipment (gas chromatographs,
> HPLCs, FTIRs, Colorimeter doohickies) reporting data through the serial
> port.   The new stuff uses SCSI or special cards.   but say at home I have
> a docking station for a Palm V (I wish),   I don't want to unplug it every
> time I use the modem.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jones <
> >On Mon, 04 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> >> should support such junk.  But there is a linmodem project.  I think
> >> they should support them since most new computers come with one.  I for
> >> one would not have one.
> >This is a good point. . .also with new PC specs calling for the death of
> ISA,
> >the options for modems will pretty soon be divided among HSP HCF Win
> modems and
> >externals. . .
> >
> > Seth Gibson
> >
> >
> >"The only way left is to hack your own brain. . .then loop it through
> >Jones."

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