I hate MS as much as the next guy (I don't run it at all at home, although it 
is available via dual boot), but this is really the fault of the pc 
maker/distributors.  I haven't seen a single pc in the past couple of years 
that actually came with a real install disk.  Every one has a "recovery" 
disk, and if you do use the disk to "recover" your trashed windows each one 
will format the hd and return the system to exactly what it was when it came 
from the factory.  If you dual boot (or quad boot as I do with one machine at 
work), you can't use the windisk supplied with the machine or your multi-boot 
will be toast.  The Windows tax paid gets a useless recovery disk--gripes me 
to no end, especially when I have to dual boot because of legacy apps that 
won't run on NT/W2K.  These suckers trash W98 and DOS dual boots as well as 
Linux--they're non-discriminatory in that regard.

On Sunday 20 July 2003 04:55 pm, JoeHill wrote:
> http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/07/20/0148207
> un-fscking-believable...

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