On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 04:41, Anne Wilson wrote:

> PS maybe it was just a bad Amazon cart and the next one would have
> worked fine? Just a thought. You know how random the Universe is!
> <lol>

That's not impossible.  I have used replacement carts for my DJ990 
without problems, but I did get one that simply would not be 
accepted.  I rang the supplier, who sent me a replacement and a bag 
to returnthe faulty one.


My C62 worked OK with a non-Epson cart with MDK9.1 after several nozzle cleanings.  When I used it with WinXP a message popped up that the cart wasn't Epson and the result might not be what was expected.  Other than the original problem that I described here, it works OK.


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