> No....just get back to your console (control-alt-backspace will kill
> X if nothing else!) and re-run your video setup.
> "/usr/X11R6/bin/XF86Setup" or "/usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config" are the two
> most popular config programs for X. Be sure NOT to select the setting
> to allow the display to be larger than your actual screen size. Also
> make sure you have properly identified your video card and monitor.
> If necessary, run xf86config and say you want to specify your monitor
> settings and select a slightly more conservative setting than your
> monitor will actually perform. i.e. instead of stating that your
> monitor will do 1280x1024 in 32-bit color at 70 hz with a horizontal
> synch of 60-90 hz, say it'll do 1024x768 in 24-bit at 60 hz, etc.
> Good luck!
>       John

Hrmmm... still no luck.  I'm trying to use a Riva TNT2 Ultra card, but
obviously in 6.0 there's no support for it.  So I've tried a variety of
options, from just the plain TNT to Unsupported Cards.  I'm also using
a Gateway Cystalscan 17" monitor.  When I run startx, the screen is
still way too big.  If I Ctrl-alt-bspace back out, it shows that it is
putting it in 320x204???  Crazy.  I've tried everything from 16 color
VGA all the way up, and still can't seem to find the right combination.
 Anyone have any bright ideas?


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