On Sat, 09 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I understand that was what he was doing, but the ALL CAPS part can make a
> person feel like they are being yelled at or that he (John) was getting
> tired of repeating himself, or that the person was ignorant for thinking
> that Mandrake was Red Hat.  By all means, there is nothing wrong with
> educating someone or pointing out a mis-understanding, but I felt that John
> was cursing this person for thinking that Mandrake was Red Hat.  Maybe if he
> had thrown in a smiley face somewhere, his original reply would not have
> been mis-interpreted by someone such as me.
As the person in question here, I feel obligated to state my reasons
for typing it that way. Yes, I realize that all-caps is considered
yelling. However, it can also be used for emphasis. Too many times I
have seen people say "Mandrake (really RedHat)" or something to that
effect. I was just trying to make it "abundantly clear" that Mandrake
is NOT synonymous with RedHat, at least not anymore.
I also think that MacMillan has done Mandrake a disservice by
describing Mandrake as "RedHat with enhancements." (direct quote from
the box.)
Perhaps Mandrake folks need to have a word with MacMillan and ask
them to stop advertising it as "RedHat with enhancements."

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