On Sunday 17 August 2003 09:29 am, Kurniawan Mitchell wrote:
> > 1, how did you install php? rpm? tar?
> I have been included on Mandrake 9.0 installation.
> rpm installation - I used rpm package installation.
> tar installation - I have never used it before.
> > 2, why do you _need_ to un-install it? space? newer
> > version?
> I want to upgrade to the latest release.
> > 3, as root, in a text console urmpe php
> so "urmpe php" --> will it find all the php dependcy
> and uninstall it? Can I just upgrade from old version
> to newer version by overwrite the older version.
> What's I mean, I just install new version without
> uninstall the older version ? How ? Thanks
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If you use the console and command line and do "urpmi php" it should install 
the upgrade over the old version. In other words you will only have the new 
version on your system. Same thing if installed from the MCC using the 
package installation with online sources  set.  HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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