Hello, John,

Maybe you could help me with this or maybe I've already done it, I don't
know.  Somebody in this list told me about a website:
http://www.mandrake.org to go to that had info as how to enlarge the Linux
tinytype fonts.

Well, I went there, got the directions, printed out the directions, located
this config file, opened it using 'gedit' as a text editor, swapped the 75's
for the 100's in both entries, one in the /X11/fs and the line in the
'default-resolutions= 75,75,100,100 to the reverse of that  and saved the
changes, got out of gedit, and read the next set of directions which said:

Restart the X Font Server by issuing this command as root:

kill -SIGUSR1 $ (pidof xfs)

It didn't say where I should be in Linux when I was supposed to issue this
command.  I thought I should be in the console when I did that, so I got up
the console and, as root, typed out the above command and got this reply:

'unexpected 'p'

I guess something was supposed to have restarted up but nothing like that

I just wonder if I did everything necessary by simply retyping the changes
in that config file and saving it or did I need to do something else?

I hope I've described this fully to you.  Is changing the file enough or do
I have to issue that 'kill' command and if so, where do I issue it?  In the

Any guidance would be appreciated.



----- Original Message -----
From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Netscape Tinytype

> On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > John,
> >
> > I have this same problem with Linux Netscape.  Very s-m-a-l-l print.
> > do you mean about 'swap the order of the "75dpi" and "100dpi" fonts?
> > does this give 100 dpi fonts?
> >
> > Richard
> >
> >
> Swap the order of the 75dpi and 100 dpi fonts in the
> XF86Config file. This will call the 100dpi fonts
> instead....larger fonts. You should be able to go in and
> manually select larger fonts anyway...
> John

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