There is a step-by-step at

Most likely, since you did not choose the tulip driver at install, you will
need to use the tools available in linuxconf.  You will need to be root to use
that.  You may also need to use some command-line routines like insmod and
perhaps edit a file in /etc/rc.d to make the insertion occur at startup time.

I wou;ld really suggest you get the 6.1 CD and do a new install.  If you have
specialized settings already, you could save them to a floppy, or move them
somewhere they won't be touched then bring them back afterward  (that is, if
they still make sense)  Most such settings will be in ~/.kde, ~/.gnome, or in
/etc and subdirectories.

Much will become clear if you open /etc/inittab, /etc/fstab, /etc/modules.conf
and examine the text and/or documentation there.  Much of the control of the
system is in those simple text files.  There are many other files in /etc and
its subdirectories which are worth a read.

also, in a terminal, xterm or one of the consoles
$man insmod
$man ifcfg
$man ifup


"Mr.InterNet @ Home" wrote:

> Thanks Civileme for your reply to my post on EtherFast card recognition.
> I need to install my Network Card in Linux.
> The card is physically installed, and working well in Windows, but I am lost
> as to how you setup hardware in Linux Mandrake 6.0
> During the original Linux install procedure it mentions about being able to
> install things later on, but I am at a loss as to how to do it.  Looked
> everywhere (I thought) but cannot find such a function.  I know it's there,
> but my mind is clouded with Windows methodology.
> Learning more each time I go into Linux, and I can see that I will probably
> be there more than Windows in the future - BUT right now, in its present
> state (without the internet connection), I am forced to use Windows.
> So - how do I setup my network card to run in Linux.  I have read the HOWTOs
> and find them confusing (Kernels, etc).  Need some clarification, or maybe
> just a swift kick to get me going.
> James Cousineau
> -------------------------
> Independent IT Contractor and Consultant
> Internet and Web Design

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