On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 22:50:47 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Just on a side note for those that AREN'T of the "American
> Persuasion"; the US just told Australia that they ain't going to
> accept our products/livestock/grain and the likes - which really sucks
> for the economy here - but of course, makes the US economy all the
> stronger. I'm of the mindset to tell not JUST Micro$COft but other
> US-based companies to take a long walk off a short pier. Australia is
> prime for linux - in the home and in the business. Why purchase
> something that ain't going to bring the money home to Australia? Why
> pay for a product that clearly brings the money to Redmond? What has
> Micro$COft done for Australia - except to bully our state governments
> into license agreements we don't have the money to pay for anyways?
> India, China, Japan, Korea - they're standing up and telling
> Micro$COft and a few other US companies to stuff it. I reckon it's
> Australia's turn. We just sent troops over to deal with a US created
> incursion and didn't get squat out of the deal, and now the agreements
> that good old Bushyboy made BEFORE we went there ain't gelling up...I
> reckon that's a damn good reason to tell large US based corporate
> entities to get stuffed...along WITH the lying US government...
> Maybe Australia needs to have their OWN linux distro...show those
> corporate pansy asses back in the US just what "communists" the
> Aussies are, ya reckon?

This was in response to the U.S. "Ambassador" to Canada, who didn't take
kindly to one of our politicians calling Bush a "poor statesman"
(please be aware that this is in no way meant to offend any of our
American friends on this list, I regard the American people very
highly, as generous, open, and possessed of a high degree of
integrity, but pay special attention to the parts about trade and
economics, which is what Stephen reminded me of):

Mel Hurtig to Paul Cellucci

Date: April 4, 2003

Location: University of Victoria

Speech on Canada - U.S. Relations -- Mel Hurtig (780) 488-3832

At The University of Victoria

April 4, 2003

"I want to say a few words about the ill-mannered, obnoxious, arrogant
U.S. Ambassador to Canada, Paul Cellucci.

Mr. Cellucci, you ask why Canada doesn't support the United States. Why
have we let you down?

Is not an equally justified question, Mr. Cellucci, why have you not
supported Canada? Why have you turned your back on us? Why have you and
your country proceeded in a reckless, arrogant manner which is 100%
guaranteed to substantially increase terrorism and volatility around the
world, is guaranteed to destabilize Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iran,
Pakistan (with its nuclear weapons), Turkey, Indonesia, the Philippines,
Sudan, Yemen and many other countries?

Why have you launched into this foolhardy aggression that will cause
hundreds of millions of Muslims to hate and despise Westerners for
generations into the future, with potentially cataclysmic results, for
ourselves, for our children and for our grandchildren?

Mr. Cellucci, you ask why Canada doesn't support the United States in
your aggressive, pre-emptive militarism.

Let me give you just a few of the reasons:

First, we are opposed to war when we believe there are viable
alternatives to war.

Scores of countries, Canada included, made it clear that they believed
that more weapons inspectors and more time would determine whether or
not Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

We also believed that unless they were invaded, there was no probability
of Iraq launching attacks beyond its border.

We also believed that there was no evidence of cooperation between two
natural opponents, Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden.

We also believed that your war would kill and injure thousands of

We also believed that we should not break with clear, long-established
international lawS. international law which is the fundamental basis of
the United Nations.

Unlike your country, Mr. Cellucci, Canada has always been a strong
supporter of the United Nations.

Perhaps, Mr. Cellucci, you should look in a mirror and ask why it is
that BOTH your NAFTA partners fought off heavy pressure from the White
House and your State Department to join your ill-advised war. After all,
didn't Mr. Bush once say that the U.S. has no greater friend than

Where is it mandated that if your neighbour chooses to go off into a
potentially catastrophic war, you must go too, even if we strongly
disagree with your reasons and your logic, and if we regard your
evidence for the necessity of war with the greatest skepticism?

Mr. Cellucci, the war your country has launched is the very type of war
that was so harshly condemned by the Nuremberg War Crime Trials.

How is your attack on Baghdad different from the terrible day of infamy
that Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke of after Japans attack on Pearl
Harbour, December 7th, 1941? Today, just as we were in the case of the
Vietnam War, Canada is on the right side of history in relation to the
war on Iraq.

Were also on the side of morality, justice and well-established,
principled international law.

And were also on the side of innocent Iraqi men, women and children, not
to mention the young British and American men and women who have been
and will be killed both during the war, and for many years AFTER the war
is over in the Balkans - like quagmire of ethnic war lords, bigotry and
hatred and in the inevitable civil war that will result from the debris
of Americas so-called and almost humorous, if it wasn't so deadly -
coalition of the willing.

You know, bullied and bribed countries like Cameroon, the Marshall
Island, Angola, Guinea, Ethiopia, El Salvador and Eritrea.

Several times in your inappropriate, offensive, threatening speech, Mr.
Cellucci, you referred to Canadians as part of our family.

Mr. Cellucci, this might come as a surprise for you, but we are NOT part
of your family and we have no desire to be part of your family. In a
public opinion poll for Macleans magazine, Canadians were asked how they
would describe our relations with the U.S. Only one in three said like
family or best friends. 65% said cordial but distant or openly hostile.
In another Macleans poll, 72% of Canadians said that they did not want
to move closer to the U.S. And, more recently, only 8% said they thought
Canada should become more like the U.SS Five times as many opted for
less like the U.S.

Mr. Cellucci, some of these poll results were from polls taken soon
after September 11th, when world-wide sympathy and support for your
country was impressive and enthusiastic. Shouldnt you be asking yourself
how you and Mr. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney have managed to
squander so much popular support from around the world in so short a

Mr. Cellucci, you say that the United States would be there for Canada
and that Americans are disappointed and upset that Canada is not
supporting the U.S. now.

Please tell me, exactly, where was the United Sates when from 1914 to
1917 tens of thousands of young Canadian men were left dead in the muddy
trenches of Europe fighting off the Germans?

And, where was the United Sates from 1939 to late 1941, when Germany was
overrunning Europe and the Luftwaffe and the rockets were bombing
England and killing tens of thousands of men, women and children during
the blitz and the Germans were beginning their roundup of millions of
Jews who would be slaughtered in the Nazi concentration camps?

How is it that even though you knew exactly what was happening, your
country sat back in the face of so much evil and agony, and waited until
the Japanese attacked you before you finally, reluctantly, got involved
in the war against the brutal Nazis?

Mr. Cellucci, Id like to hear your answer to that question.

And, by the way, thank you for being there for us when your country
invaded us three times, the only country to ever invade Canada.

And, please dont ever lecture us again about going to war. We left
45,000 Canadians in European graves during our defence of liberty and
democracy in the Second World War, while for much of the war your
isolationists refused to get involved.

Mr. Cellucci, lets be clear. Canadians do not approve of your bad
manners, your grossly undiplomatic behaviour, your lecturing us about
defence spending, your warnings about the possible linkage of our
opposition to war with your trade policies.

Best be careful. If you want to advocate linkage, Canadians may want to
consider imposing a 27% tariff on our exports of oil, natural gas and
electricity to the United States as a reasonable quid pro quo for your
egregious softwood lumber duties. After all, you do believe in
reciprocity, dont you?

And, dont for a moment consider it a meaningful warning for you to
suggest that Mr. Bush might not want to come to Canada for his official
state visit next month.

Canadians well remember the disastrous results for Canadian sovereignty
when Ronald Reagan visited the obsequious Brian Mulroney in Quebec City
in 1985.

Moreover, we all know why Mr. Bush was or is planning to come to Ottawa.
There was only one reason. Not to patch up relations between the two
countries, but rather to get your hands on even more of Canadas oil,
natural gas and electricity. Best mind your manners, Mr. Cellucci, or
the Canadian government might just possibly finally wake up to the fact
that Mexico, your other NAFTA partner, firmly refused to sign the
ridiculous NAFTA energy and resource-sharing agreement that some of our
inept trade negotiators somehow managed to agree to.

Perhaps the Canadian government will realize that we haven't replaced
our declining natural gas reserves since 1982. That our major Western
sedimentary basin pools are depleting at the rate of 20% a year, that
new replacement reserves are proving to be much more expensive to
locate, are smaller in size and deplete more rapidly.

Mind your manners Mr. Cellucci, or perhaps Canada will have to walk away
from the foolish NAFTA clauses that mean we must continue selling you
62% of our oil and natural gas, even if we Canadians begin to run short

Mr. Cellucci, you were greatly upset that Cabinet Minister Herb Dhaliwal
made totally inappropriate remarks by suggesting that George W. Bush was
a failed statesman.

My, my, my. How terribly offensive can one be? How does failed statesman
compare with Richard Nixon calling Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau an
asshole, or John F. Kennedy calling Prime Minister John Diefenbaker a
son of a bitch and a prick, or Lyndon Johnson grabbing Lester Pearson by
the collar and shouting you pissed on my rug when Pearson suggested a
pause in the U.S. bombing of North Vietnam and the slaughter of hundreds
of thousands of civilians in the bombing.

It seems to me that being called a failed statesman is not only a mild
criticism by comparison, but it is an accurate criticism.

George W. Bush is no moron. Few Canadians regard Americans as bastards.
Most Canadians like most Americans.

But, not since the days of Richard Nixon and the Vietnam War has there
been so much anti-Americanism in the world. The U.S. has antagonized not
only the Muslim world, but long-time allies as well. It has walked away
from, worked against or failed to support a long list of international
agreements supported by Canada and the overwhelming majority of
countries - the Land Mines Treaty, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the
agreement to provide lower cost drugs to developing countries battling
AIDS and other diseases, the International Criminal Court, the U.N.
protocol on Developing, Producing or Stockpiling Biological or Toxic
Weapons, the Small Arms Treaty, the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of the Child (supported by 191 countries, but not the U.S. or

While it is true that in recent months anti-Americanism in Canada has
been increasing, and has increased since the invasion of Iraq and your
ill-considered remarks, most of the antipathy is directed not at average
Americans, but at George W. Bush and the arrogant, aggressive men and
women who surround him as key advisors, the repugnant Donald Rumsfeld,
the selfishly-motivated Dick Cheney, Karl Rowe and Paul Wolfowitz and
other American hyper hawks who apparently place little value on human
lives and have little appreciation for the value of patient
international diplomacy.

Mr. Cellucci, Canadians are not impressed by your campaign of
intimidation, by threats re the border, by proposed American boycotts of
Canadian products.

Perhaps you would much better serve your country if you reminded your
fellow citizens that millions of American jobs depend on your exports to
Canada, that as every year goes by you will become increasingly
dependent on imports of Canadian resources, that for 46 years in a row
Canada has been the leading export market in the world for U.S. goods
and services, that your exports to Canada every year are greater than
your exports to all fifteen European Union countries combined, greater
than your exports to Japan, the United Kingdom and Germany put together
and more than to all of Latin America and the Caribbean countries

Perhaps, instead of threatening us with economic retaliation for not
taking part in your military aggression, you would be wise to remind
Americans that by punishing Canadians you would be harming your best
customer (not a very bright thing to do), you would be harming the
profitable American companies that dominate so much of the Canadian
economy, and you would be encouraging more anti-Americanism in Canada.

Mr. Cellucci, both you and your predecessor Gordon Giffin and Senator
Hillary Clinton have expressed concerns about the Canada-U.S. border
and, in Giffins words, skepticism about Canadas reliability on security.

Forget for a moment that Canada has already committed close to an extra
$10 billion to security and defence spending since September 11th.
Forget too, that Canada has had in place overseas document-screening for
air travelers well before the United States even thought of such
precautions. Forget that the September 11th terrorists were mostly from
your Saudi Arabian friends, and were in the U.S. on visas. Forget that
at the time of September 11th there were some six million illegals
living in your country, but do consider the following.

There is not one single airport in Canada, not one single flight school
that would have been dumb enough to agree to train people from the
Middle East how to fly large passenger jet aircraft - people who had no
interest in learning how to take off or how to land the aircraft -
without quickly reporting the highly suspicious students to the RCMP
and/or to CSIS.

Once again, Mr. Cellucci, look in the mirror instead of warning
Canadians re security. Increasingly, your CIA, your FBI, your National
Security Agency, all with huge multi-billion dollar budgets, make the
term American intelligence seem like a laughable oxymoron.

And, by the way, have you thought about apologizing to Canadians for all
the Canadians killed on September 11th and for your own irresponsible
action in appointing your personal driver as head of security at Logan
Airport in Boston, where two of the ill-fated aircraft and their
hijackers took off from? Dont you think that you owe Canadians an

Shouldnt it be Canadians who need to be concerned about the border,
given your poor security record and all the violent nutcases your
gun-ridden society breeds, your murderous snipers, your anthrax
disseminators, your Timothy McVeighs, your Columbines, your paranoid
militia, your aggressive history and behaviour?

Please dont threaten us about the border, because if you do, we might
just decide to look more closely at your own records.

And, dont for a single moment believe that Tom dAquino, Allan Gotlieb
and Brian Mulroney represent majority opinion in Canada. They never
have, and they certainly dont now.

The best thing you and your fellow Americans can do in the best
interests of future Canadian - American relations, is to listen
carefully to every word Mr. dAquino, Mr. Gotlieb and Mr. Mulroney say,
and then remember that Brian Mulroney left office as the least-popular
prime minister in Canadian history, and that most Canadians do not
subscribe to the craven policies of Gotlieb and dAquino.

Canada, you and Mr. Bush may find it hard to believe, is not yet an
American colony, and we have no intention of becoming one. You would
best serve your country by making that clear in Washington."

Unfortunately, though the U.S. Justice Department has declared MS to be
an illegal monopoly and guilty of egregiously unfair trade practices,
they have gotten off all but scott-free, so maybe yer right Stephen,
it's time for some tough love.

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