On Wed, Oct 20, 1999 at 04:45:48PM +0000, M Thompson wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have been a member of this list (Mandrake Newbie) for a short while now 
> and know that there are a ton of knowledgeable participants on it...I am 
> taking a Marketing class as part of my MBA curriculum.  For my Marketing 
> project, I chose Linux.  I have to develop a plan to Market my product 
> choice (Linux).

You might do well to look up the S-1 filing from Red Hat's recent IPO for
some of their ideas about marketing Linux.  The EDGAR website (sorry, no
URL) should carry it.
> I have already collected an extensive list of internal strengths and 
> weaknesses.  I now need to develop a list of "external" threats and 
> opportunities.  Specifically, I want to find some political-legal threats 
> and opportunities, cultural threats and opportunities, economic threats and 
> opportunities, and demographic threats and opportunities.

Political-Legal threat:
        Intellectual property claims from commercial developers
Cultural threat:
        A loss of the "linux development is cool" mentality 
        A big flamefest among senior kernel developers (Linus can't do this
                all by himself anymore)
Economic threat:
        Commercial distributions could be hurt by cheaper competitors 
                (cheapbytes, etc)

Demographic threat:
        See cultural above, if the "linux is cool" aura around Linux is
                lost, we lose new users.  Specifically:  BeOS, *BSD, etc.

> If possible, please steer me toward a website that lists some of the 
> external threats and opportunities facing Linux.  If possible, feel free to 
> give me your personal insights.

You might do best at the Linux Internation site, as they're primarily
interested in marketing Linux to the suits.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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