I recently did a Linux-Mandrake 6.1 upgrade from an ISO image on a
burned CD from the LInux-Mandrake site over a MacMillan Mandrake 6.0

Could the Mandrake Folks have a quiet chat to Macmillan about their
confusing labeling of Mandrake? I think it could get out of control if
it keeps up.

Luckily, other than changing a few .xinitrc files everything went

This is on an ancient pentium 120, 64 megs, 3 hardrives , all Maxtors
one of which has been running for 5 years without a hiccup, Xpert 8mg
video, AWE 32, two Network cards, a cheap AHA 1502 scsi for the
venerable Microtek E3, and a cable-modem hookup. 

Its a multibooter with System Commander on the MBR with M$, RH5.2,
Mandrake 6.1

So I guess sometimes I get lucky? after reading all the "bug reports" I
probably would have never done it! So to those who might hesitate. If
your financial and physical health does NOT depend on it...GO FOR IT :-)

William Bouterse
Juneau, Alaska

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