My Netscape wasn't US standard mine was international or in other words 40 bit. 
I hate our govt. policy on encryption


On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Dear Folks,
> Regarding Fortify.  I have the 128-bit encrypted Netscape.  The version
> that requires you to swear you are a Canadian or American citizen to
> download.
> The bottom line is I tested it on Fortify's site.  They said the
> encryption is military weapons grade and I don't need their product.
> BTW, this applies to both my Windows and my Linux versions of Netscape.
> So I really don't know what all the fuss is about.
> Ken Wilson
> First Law of Optimisation: The speed of a non-working program is
> irrelevant
> (Steve Heller, 'Efficient C/C++ Programming')
Boling's postulate:
        If you're feeling good, don't worry.  You'll get over it.

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