John Aldrich wrote:
> Hey, all...just a reminder that the Mandrake RPM of Netscape is the
> Libc5 version, and if you go to get "plugger" or any other C-version
> specific plugin, you need to get the libc5 version, not the GLIBC2
> version. :-) Mandrake itself may use glibc2, but the Mandrake RPM of
> Netscape is using the older library, which is incompatible with
> plugins based on the newer version of the c-language library. :-) I
> found that out the hard way this morning trying to install Plugger.
> :-)
>         John

Hmmm. I'm a bit confused.  I thought RH 6.0 and above including Mandrake
glibc2..  Can you explain this?

I've tried plugger a few times and it installed, but everytime a web
"event" called something
to utilize plugger CRASH!... Maybe this is indeed my answer, since I
dloaded glibc2.

This is damn confusing.  How do you tell?  How do you know?

Ever since the last attempt at plugger in which I had to edit a number
of things in Netscape
just to get RID of it!!!

I find this interesting since all my local linux buddies say GLIBC2!!!

If anyone can explain this and tell me how to figure out what I need I
would appreciate it!!


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