Dear Andrew:

Could you put me out of my misery, please :) and show precisely how to
move a menu item from one submenu to another? I created the submenu
Utilities II, so now I have Utilities I and Utilities II (I always said
I was a mathematical genius!). Now, for the life of me, I can't figure
out how to actually transfer some of the items from Utilities I to
Utilities II. I've tried to left-click and drag an item from Ut 1 to Ut
II. Doesn't work. It just adds the item (e.g. kpilot) to the KDE menu
rather than to the submenu Ut II. 

What the magic trick, please? Think of how many people you will make
happy with this revelation.

By the way, I own Teach Yourself KDE in 24 hours. Looked it up. Still no
specific instructions on how to accomplish this arduous task.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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