I am not terribly good with linux - I ran Red Hat for a while and then with all this fedora BS desided to move over to Mandrake. The install went great - the only issues are that a) My Sound Blaster Live Platnum produces no sound and My ATI All In Wonder Pro doesn't seem to be reconized as a TV device. These problems are minor in my mind (though if somebody has ideas, lemme know)

The main problem is I can't get mandrake to find the internet. I have a cable modem (opt Online) plugged into a linksys router. The machine worked fine in it's last config (WinXP Pro and Redhat 9 - dual boot - both OS's found the net find)

I can ping other computers on the network no problem (and they can ping the mandrake box) but can't ping anything outside the network.

Resolve.conf seems to have the correct DNS settings on it (least it's got the same IP as all my other boxes find).

Inside Network & Internet Drak-Connect, I get:

Type: LAN
Gateway: (which is my router which handles the DHCP)
Status: Not Connected

Lan Config:
eth0 dhcp 3c59x and status is UP
(the ip should be right - my router says that's the ip it asigned to it)

Please help!!!



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