On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> On the Mac there is a great commercial DNS server analysis tool called 
> "DNS expert" available that queries a DNS server and looks for 
> misconfigurations and security issues for any given domain name you 
> choose. However, it is a hundred bucks and I cannot justify that for the 
> limited use I have for it since my evaluation time ran out :-( 
> Seems to me there must be some linux tool that can perfrom the same level 
> of analysis of DNS records to make sure they are setup correctly. Any 
> ideas? 
there are several DNS query utils. One is "host domain.com"
which will give you several bits of info. For example, I
did a "host" on my personal domain, dngnbbs.com. Here's
what shows up:
[john@front john]$ host dngnbbs.com
dngnbbs.com has address
dngnbbs.com mail is handled (pri=5) by mail.highertech.net

Then you can do an nslookup to find out more info....
[john@front john]$ nslookup dngnbbs.com
Server:  ns1.highertech.net
Name:    dngnbbs.com

There's other "tricks" and utils you can use but those two
are what comes to mind. In the GUI, under "internet" you
have "network tools" which you can use to query DNS. Under
"Host Resolution" you can search for ANY record, Address,
etc. Check it out.... it may be all you're looking for...
(BTW, this is assuming you're running KDE <G>)

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