I've been spending a lot time trying to fix the character spacing
problem with kde.

It seems to boil down to fontmapping , meaning what kde thinks a font
name should be and what ghostscript fonts thinks the fontname should be
are sometimes two different things.

So when, for arguements sake, mozilla has helvetica selected as it's
font , and it sends a print file to ghostscript for printing it seems to
know how to do this well enough.

However when KDE does the same in the same font selection it makes a
dogs breakfast of choosing the correct GS font. I don't really know why
it does this, but it does and because KDE doesn't get it right, spooling
seems to resolve the isue by getting GS to guess it, but it guesses it

The first problem is to identify where GS stores it's font files,
suffice it to say it seems to be in directories,

but ,

do not seem to be ghostscript despite the appearance of GS in the path.

So ,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]default/Type1]# type1inst

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cd /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Type1]# type1inst
type1inst Version 0.6.1 (11th February 1998)
Copyright (C) 1996-1998 James Macnicol ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

There are a total of 35 PostScript fonts in this directory
35 fonts found
35 were standard PostScript fonts

I skipped 35 of these fonts because they already
had overriding entries in both fonts.scale and/or Fontmap
(X Windows fonts or Ghostscript fonts respectively).

/URWGothicL-Book                         (a010013l.pfb)    ;
/URWGothicL-Demi                         (a010015l.pfb)    ;
/URWGothicL-BookObli                     (a010033l.pfb)    ;
/NimbusMonL-BoldObli                     (n022024l.pfb)    ;
/URWPalladioL-Roma                       (p052003l.pfb)    ;
/URWPalladioL-Bold                       (p052004l.pfb)    ;
/URWPalladioL-Ital                       (p052023l.pfb)    ;
/URWPalladioL-BoldItal                   (p052024l.pfb)    ;
/StandardSymL                            (s050000l.pfb)    ;
/URWChanceryL-MediItal                   (z003034l.pfb)    ;

A log of errors is located in the file "type1inst.log"
type1inst Version 0.6.1 (11th February 1998)
Copyright (C) 1996-1998 James Macnicol ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Run started at Fri Dec 26 13:13:41 UTC 2003

Reading fonts.scale ....Done.
Reading Fontmap ....
Writing fonts.scale....
Writing Fontmap.... Done.

So there doesn't seem to be any problem with these as such.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cd /usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ghostscript]# type1inst
type1inst Version 0.6.1 (11th February 1998)
Copyright (C) 1996-1998 James Macnicol ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

There are a total of 49 PostScript fonts in this directory
49 fonts found
17 were standard PostScript fonts
32 were Ghostscript fonts

I skipped 49 of these fonts because they already
had overriding entries in both fonts.scale and/or Fontmap
(X Windows fonts or Ghostscript fonts respectively).

/CharterBT-Bold                          (bchb.pfa)    ;
/CharterBT-BoldItalic                    (bchbi.pfa)    ;
/CharterBT-Roman                         (bchr.pfa)    ;
/CharterBT-Italic                        (bchri.pfa)    ;
/Shareware-Cyrillic-Regular              (fcyr.gsf)    ;
/Shareware-Cyrillic-Italic               (fcyri.gsf)    ;
/Calligraphic-Hiragana                   (fhirw.gsf)    ;
/Calligraphic-Katakana                   (fkarw.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-English                  (hrger.pfa)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-English-Bold             (hrgerb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-English-SemiBold         (hrgerd.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-English-Oblique          (hrgero.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Greek-Complex                   (hrgkc.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Greek-Simplex                   (hrgks.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-German                   (hrgrr.pfa)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-German-Bold              (hrgrrb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-German-Oblique           (hrgrro.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-Italian                  (hritr.pfa)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-Italian-Bold             (hritrb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Gothic-Italian-Oblique          (hritro.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Duplex                    (hrpld.pfa)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Bold               (hrpldb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Bold-Italic        (hrpldbi.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Italic             (hrpldi.pfa)    ;
/Hershey-Plain                           (hrplr.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Bold                      (hrplrb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Bold-Oblique              (hrplrbo.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Oblique                   (hrplro.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Simplex                   (hrpls.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Simplex-Bold              (hrplsb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Simplex-Bold-Oblique      (hrplsbo.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Simplex-Oblique           (hrplso.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Triplex                   (hrplt.pfa)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Bold              (hrpltb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Bold-Italic       (hrpltbi.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Italic            (hrplti.pfa)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Complex                  (hrscc.pfa)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Complex-Bold             (hrsccb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Complex-Oblique          (hrscco.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Simplex                  (hrscs.pfa)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Simplex-Bold             (hrscsb.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Script-Simplex-Oblique          (hrscso.gsf)    ;
/Hershey-Symbol                          (hrsyr.gsf)    ;
/Utopia-Bold                             (putb.pfa)    ;
/Utopia-BoldItalic                       (putbi.pfa)    ;
/Utopia-Regular                          (putr.pfa)    ;
/Utopia-Italic                           (putri.pfa)    ;
/URWAntiquaT-RegularCondensed            (u003043t.gsf)    ;
/URWGroteskT-Bold                        (u004006t.gsf)    ;

A log of errors is located in the file "type1inst.log"

This is a sample of: type1inst.log 330 lines of erorrs, ending eg, Removed Fontmap entry "/TimesNewRomanPSMT (times.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT (timesbd.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT (timesbi.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT (timesi.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/TrebuchetMS (trebuc.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/TrebuchetMS-Bold (trebucbd.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/Trebuchet-BoldItalic (trebucbi.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/TrebuchetMS-Italic (trebucit.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/Verdana (verdana.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/Verdana-Bold (verdanab.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/Verdana-Italic (verdanai.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/Verdana-BoldItalic (verdanaz.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/Webdings (webdings.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Removed Fontmap entry "/Wingdings-Regular (wingding.pfb) ;" since the file did not exist Done. Writing fonts.scale.... Done. Writing Fontmap.... Done.

One huge error log of what appears to be problems too many to list above.

I'm thinking that maybe I ought to try restoring the originals form CD

Anyone got any idea which packages supply GS fonts ?


-- John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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