Title: Message
Hello, I am running Mandrake 9.2 and I am trying to install VMware Workstation 4 on it (http://www.vmware.com/products/desktop/ws_features.html).
This software requires the header files of the Linux kernel since it makes some changes to them. When I downloaded the 3 disks of Mandrake 9.2, I did not see the Linux source included in them. It's not appearing in the RPM packages either. I downloaded the source from one of the Cooker mirrors and extracted it. VMware is looking for the header files under /usr/src/linux/include and there is nothing there out of the box. So I unpacked the downloaded source files in there and ran a make. Unfortunately, VMware detects differences between the make results and the current running kernel, so it fails.
Here is finally my question: short of recompiling the kernel from the source so that my running kernel matches the source, is there a way to grab my current kernel configuration and pass it as a parameter to the "make" command so that I can build the source files to reflect my exact current configuration (version number included)?
Thank you in advance for your time.

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