On Saturday 10 January 2004 03:35 am, Johan wrote:

> Now thankyou very much to those that made input.
> Special thanks for Izak Burger for detailed and good
> suggestions..this put me on the right track for finding info
> and study.
> All this was meant to understand cd burning/copy more and to
> make *good* copies for friends and for myself of course.
    Just made a Knoppix CD for a neighbor.  I put my Knoppix CD in 
my burner (they are better readers than CDrom/DVDrom's).....

    md5sum /dev/scd0   (to get the md5sum)

    dd if=/dev/scd0 of=/home/tom/knop33.iso   

  ....remove old CD and put a CDr blank in burner ....

    biso knop33.iso     (alias biso='cdrecord -v -eject  
                   driveropts=burnfree speed=16 dev=0,0,0 -dao')

    md5sum /dev/scd0  (get md5sum for new CD and compare to         
                       previous md5sum above)

    Since this new CD is for somebody else, and I was too lazy to 
get the 'offical' md5sum from a Knoppix ftp site, I put it in my 
DVDrom and booted it to make double sure it was OK.  It was.

   Of course the cdrecord options for 'biso' can vary, ie, -eject, 
driveropts, speed, but -dao is _mandatory_ (to preserve the 
md5sum, and should always be used for bootable iso's anyhow).

   For d/l'd iso's all that's needed is to type 'biso <first few 
letters of the iso name and hit Tab>', then Enter

   My burner is a Plextor 52x CD-RW. CDr media used was 48x 
capable, so I burned at 1/3 speed, 16x.  IMO, never more than 1/2 
speed of the lesser of burner/media ratings should be used, even 
for data or audio CD's.  48x isn't three times as fast anyhow, 
but can, and often will result in coasters.  Cdrecord won't 
normally use more than about 32x +, even if 48 and 52x media is 
used, inspite of faster than 32x burners.   YMMV, cdrecord 
reports the media rating, requested, and then the actual burn 
speed when finished.

     To make an audio CD copy (same neighbor ;), I put an audio CD 
in my DVDrom, and a CDr blank in my burner and type 'cpaudiocd'   

alias cpaudiocd='ripacd && normall && bacd'
        (which calls....)
alias ripacd='cdparanoia -vB 1- /home/tom/wav/'
alias normall='normalize -m /home/tom/wav/*'
alias bacd='cdrecord -v -eject driveropts=burnfree speed=24 
            dev=0,0,0 -pad -audio *.wav'

    Due to batch normalizing the track volumes, the resulting CD 
is often better than the original (specially commercial or 
scratched CD's).

   Just 'bacd' is needed to make an audio CD from wav's after 
they're normalized with 'normall'. I like to use Xmms' disk 
writer plugin to create the wav's from mp3's. If those mp3's are 
from widely differing sources, I run normall twice.  If there's 
any doubt about the mp3's integrity, 'mp3_check' (Mdk contrib 
rpm) will let you know about them. I like Xmms cause it displays 
total time, and I can make sure I don't exceed 80 minutes.  MB's 
don't matter, they're often way over 700.

    To make a data CD (including mp3's, .avi's, .mpg's, .mov's, 
etc.), I select a directory containing the files I want to burn,  
eg, ~/data     In my home dir I type    'mkcdimg data/' 
   (alias mkcdimg='mkisofs -r -o cd_image') 

 ....which creates a burnable image file named cd_image.  Then 
with a blank CDr in my burner I type  'bdcd cd_image' 
      (alias bdcd='cdrecord -v -eject 
                  driveropts=burnfree speed=24 dev=0,0,0 -data')

     Those two commands could be made into one alias, but I like 
to 'du cd_image' to make sure it doesn't exceed the capacity of 
the CDr (eg, 700MB) before burning.  In no case would I endorse 
trying to overburn.

     All the above is the quickest, easiest, and most bulletproof 
way of copying/burning CD's I've found.  Just requires a little 
one time preparation, ie, making the aliases in /etc/bashrc 
'Sides all burning GUI's suck ;~>
      Tom Brinkman                 Corpus Christi, Texas

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