On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 19:54:45 -0500
Marc Resnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Here we go again.
>I tried to get acpi to work, as a battery manager. I set it to load at
>startup. I restarted the computer to see if it would work. I chose
>Linux in LILO, and behold, a complete blank screen. No command line, no
>errors, no anything. Just a blank screen. So I powered off, and
>restarted. This time I went into failsafe. Went fine until I got some
>error about not being able to locate [something like DSID]. It then
>stopped, and was not active at all. I rebooted again, and tried
>linux-nonfb. Same as failsafe. Note: The acpi at startup was the only
>change I made since my last boot.
>What am I supposed to do now. I assume something with the boot record
>in windows?
>Thanks in advance,

i dont think its a windows thing because i have the same problem trying
ot boot 2.6 kernel
i have given up for now because the kernel is fine for me
right now even though i do wonder how it runs


jason pearl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"-Tupac
Kurrupted Visionz Phx, AZ    registered linux user #307811
MDK 9.2 Linux                Machine# 193475, 227341
AMD64 Opteron 1.6            http://counter.li.org
uptime: 01:18:16 up 4 days, 6:39, 5 users, load average: 0.12, 0.32,

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