Olivier Esser wrote:

Wojciech Podgórni wrote:

Hi everyone,
I have been searching for the answer of this question for a some time and I staill cannot find the answer: how do you change font setting for man pages to ISO8859-2 coding?
Wojciech Podgórni

Where are you reading the man pages. You have to change to encoding of the terminal in which you read your man pages. This depend of the terminal you are using. You can try to change the encoding globally by lauching localedrake

Olivier Esser

I apologise for being imprecise. It looks like my problem is that man pager (or the program preprocessing man texts) is wrongly formatting Polish man pages and changing native letters to a mess like "9| " instead of "ś", "c" instead of "ż", etc. I was hoping to find such settings in man.config to allow me to alter this behavour (because I cannot even read fast this thing). No success so far. And this behavour appears REGARDLESS of using CLI or terminal (or printed in PDF file). Changing the font used in terminal won't help. Even using localedrake won't fix it. I guess it must be something with man preprocessing settings (but I'm no expert here).
Desperately looking for a help,
Wojciech Podgórni

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