Dick Gevers wrote:

On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 13:54:18 +0100, Wojciech Podgórni wrote about Re:
[newbie] How to change font setting for man pages:

>>>>>I have been searching for the answer of this question for a some
>>>>>time and I staill cannot find the answer: how do you change font
>>>>>setting for man pages to ISO8859-2 coding?

Have you tried to open man pages with Konqueror?

Just type man:appname in the location bar and it will show up. After that -
if not satisfactory - you could try changing the settings of Konqueror to
those you need.

=Dick Gevers=

Thank you, it works perfectly. It looks like my problem is solved! :) :) Wojciech Podgórni

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