On Sat, 30 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I just got a home lan set up (sort of anyway)
> Everything works fine when all boxes are running under win98.
> However when both machines are running different os's (Linux/WIn98 or
> Win98/Linux) combos (both are dual boot), neither machine can ping the other.
> I read the ethernet howto and I think I am more confused than when I started.
> All I want to do (for now) is get the 2 boxes to be able to ping one another.
> This is the setup so far
> Machine 1 - windows1 ip address of
> Machine 2 - linux1 ip address of
EACH machine **MUST** have a different IP address. You cannot have
BOTH machines as  That's your problem right there.
Networking 101 -- each machine must have a unique IP address on the
network. Try changing one of the above machines to and
I'll bet your ping will work!

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