On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:

> On a linux terminal, start a 'ping'.  Then switch terminals
> and run 

did taht and it's pinging away happily

>       tcpdump -i eth0 | tee tcpdump-output
[root@localhost alex]#  tcpdump -i eth0 | tee tcpdump-output
tcpdump: listening on eth0  

that is all that happens, no output in tcpdump-output file (empty)
but I get this when tcpdump is stopped by a ctl-c
0 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel   

> Then mail a good portion of the tcpdump-output file to the list.
> One other thing, I seem to remember seeing something in your original
> log messages about the card being put into 100Tx mode.  Is the Windows
> side also 100Mb?

I believe so. Everything runs at 100Mb while both systems are in windows.


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