On Tue, 2004-03-09 at 23:38, Greg Meyer wrote:
> On Wednesday 10 March 2004 12:30 am, Chuck Mattsen wrote:
> > So, /two/ annoying things ... maybe just one, but possibly two.
> >
> > First, some fonts seem a little odd ... just slightly off, like the
> > kerning is set incorrectly.  My eyesight's not so hot these days, so
> > it's hard for me to define exactly what's going on with them, just that
> > they're "off" a bit.  I suppose I can play with those a bit.
> >
> Make sure sub-pixel hinting settings are to your liking.

Okay ... dinked around with that, and dinked around with fonts, both in
KDE and in the Gnome Control Center, and in my mail client, blah, blah,
blah ... finally have a combination of various settings that I'm
comfortable with.  Thx.

> > The other thing is that the menuing in the new KDE is different ... I've
> > heard of others losing their menus and having to do an update-menus -v
> > from konsole, but mine are there, just rearranged (which I expected to
> > an extent, but some things seem rather odd, such as only Editors showing
> > under Applications, and just WWW under Networking.  Some of the changes
> > seem to be for the better (more intuitive), and others just seem odd to
> > me.  Is my menuing fubar'ed, or do I just need to get used to the new
> > arrangement in the updated KDE?
> >
> This was a redesign of the menu based on feedback from a vote on club where 
> womething like 92% of users wanted a more useful menu structure.  This was 
> the result.  See the release notes (which should be on cd1 also) here:
> http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/MandrakeLinux10ReleaseNotes

Yeah, I knew they'd been changed; just was questioning "why?" on some of
the choices :-) ... they certainly would not have been mine.  Well, I
can change those, too.

Thanks.  As of this moment, I'm happy with what I've got running.  I'll
work on laptop power management and battery status and other annoyances
when I'm not so bushed. :)

Chuck Mattsen ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... Mahnomen, MN
Registered Linux User #346519

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