On Mon, 1 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 01, 1999 at 03:38:05PM -0500, John Aldrich wrote:
> > On Mon, 01 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> > > Sorry to butt in here butt, what are those 3 different Netscape
> > > files that you gotta download, common, and the other 2?
> > > 
> > > Do they do it tat way so it is not one long download?
> > > 
> > Don't know why they did it that way. I assume you're
> > correct in the assumption that they did it that way to
> > reduce the download time and to make it more "modular." You
> > download two of the three for a complete install....
> > download the "common" RPM and either the "communicator" or
> > the "navigator" depending on which you want.
> They did it that way so I could build nice kiosk's with a web browser
> interface without having to worry about little fingers sending mail or
> glancing at the porn in alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.*
> Seriously, for a stand-alone information station, it's an ideal solution. 
> Start X without a window manager, put "exec netscape -geometry 1024x768"
> into ~/.Xclients, and away you go!
> Now if I could just figure out a way to disallow the use of "file://" URLs,
> I'd be all set!
> BTW, a neat trick I picked up from a budding "cracker" at work:  (I chastised
> him severely for the action, but you gotta love his spirit!)
>       We completely lock down the factory floor workstations running 
>       Win95 using a product called WinLock95.  There's nothing runnable
>       on that machine outside the data entry application they need and
>       IE4 for their quality manuals.  I felt pretty comfortable with
>       the situation.
>       Wrong!  IE gives you the ability to browse the network by just 
>       punching in the domain (e.g. \\GRAND_RAPIDS).  Surf to your 
>       hearts content.  Read whatever you'd like.  BAH!!!

Guess i shouldn't tell you you can excecute things from the address bar
also. huh 
>       We've since removed IE.

MandrakeSoft          http://www.mandrakesoft.com/

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