Stephen Kuhn wrote:

On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 08:57, JoeHill wrote:


"SCO sent letters raising the prospect of legal action for using Linux to two
Department of Energy facilities, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and
the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)."


Hint for SCO: do not antagonize people who know how to build NUCLEAR BOMBS.

Look - we've been over this time and time again; they can't make money
at their own level - SCO UNIX - and Microsoft HAS admitted to giving SCO
money/funding - c'mon - they're in bed with Microsoft, they're dying,
and McBride is going out of his way to do what he does best - litigate -
instead of run a proper company - he's a frigging vulture - and he's not
going to be able to keep this crap up forever. Once all of this stuff
actually hits the court system, IBM's going to start the Big Blue Ball
rolling and SCO is going to meet it's demise - as well as it's going to
be publicly found out that they're in bed with Microsoft - so
"anti-competition" is going to come into play on this one as well.

stephen kuhn - owner

We should not let others fight our battles for us..

My other half already thinks I am a computer nerd (and probably rightly too).
but I have successfully drummed into her head that both MS and SCO suck..

When she gets asked about PC crashes and virus's at work. (and because of me that happens to her allot now)
she happily blames MS woeful software security for it.. and rigthly so.

She knows about linux, and its benefits and is generally well informed for "just a user".

So when life presents her with the oportunity to give her opinion, she does and thus others are illuminated.

Remember, This current stuff (SCO) is just one part of the fight,, DRM and palladium are battles being fought on the sly because right now if their true meanings came to light, they would garner significant bad press... so they will be introduced slowly with much marketing to convince those that don't know any better that its for their own good. (M$ will very likely use "protection from virus's" and cracking as some of the big benefits of hardware/software lockin.)

Its our job to keep in mind that if M$ get any more control over the design of PC hardware, it will result in more Pc's that will only run Winblows, and forced upgrades and subscription services etc.. don't be fooled into thinking they wouldn't do that.. they are a commercial company that has had a massively overrated stock price for a very long time, and the only way to fully sustain that is via growth, and that means to create stuff like forced subscription services and force people to pay M$ for software upgrades they probably don't need and other things of that nature..
best way to do that is to make the hardware/software work together to "require" it.. so we should not support any hardware efforts that help M$ do that.

I would make the following suggestions...
- Whenever a big company offers linux drivers for a product, download the drivers, even if you don't have the product they are for..
this way that company will get some sort of idea of the demand for linux support.
- Never buy or encourage the purchase of any hardware that even intimates that its "win" hardware.. unless it comes with linux drivers (from the manufacturer, not the OSS comunity..).. even if the hardware is going to be used on winblows machines.)
- Don't support any form of DRM and paladium if it is not platform non specific.. and even then, treat it with caution.
(because the likes of M$ might start it off as an "open design" to get people to buy it and then change the license later on as they often do.)

Just some thoughts.. and I bring them up because there are thousands of users on this list, and all of them have families and friends with PC's, and they are the people that each of us can help to understand the issues.



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