On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 19:58:00 -0500, Marv Boyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I _do_ appear to have used the Loki installer, just mirrored on another 
> site. I suppose it's possible that the version I used was something 
> someone else cobbled together, but the READMEs are identical (I tried 
> the Loki installer long ago, had problems with the CD-ROM drive 
> mounting, and deleted the installer-- but not, for some reason, the 
> README).  I've been all over what remains of Lokigames, and I can't find 
> even a reference to the installer. If anyone can point me in the right 
> direction, I'd be delighted.
> In the meantime, I'll try Philip's suggested fix. ;)

OK. Let me do it *right* this time, dammit ;)

In that UT directory in your home directory, you should be looking for the 
'UnrealTournament.ini' file. Now, scroll down to the '[Engine.Engine]' section. Look 
for the line that contains 'ViewportManager=WinDrv.WindowsClient'. Change that line so 
that it reads 'ViewportManager=SDLDrv.SDLClient'.

(NOTE: I'm going off the original CD's contents and some guesswork here -- it *may* be 
that you need to use XDrv.XClient instead of SDLDrv.SDLClient, but I doubt it)

This should fix it. If you can't find the .ini file in your home directory, I suppose 
you can go edit the one the installer put in /usr/local/ut2003/System (or wherever you 
installed it), and it'll get loaded up when next you start.

I hope I help you out *this* time :P


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