Title: RE: [newbie] NMB Problem anew...

As someone who went through this just last night (thanks Axalon!) I think I can help. There are three steps from where I think you are to you having a (more or less) working system:

  1. If you edit the smb.conf directly, you will see several "master" settings.
     You probably don't want Linux to be the Master unless you *really* know
     what you're doing. (Regardless of the warm and fuzzy feeling it might give
  2. Also in smb.conf you need to find the "remote announce" property and add
     the subnets you want to see your box. (Typically, this will be your IP
     address and then change the last number to 255 -- that's a *really*
     gross oversimplification, but it should get you up and running.)
  3. So long as the HOSTNAME and DOMAIN in netconf seem to be correct you can
     probably get rid of the DNS server from hosts and just put it's IP in
     resolv.conf where it goes (DHCPcd should do this for you automatically).

That should get you up and running. Creating accounts and stuff is another matter. *I'm* still working on that.  ;-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 05, 1999 9:43 AM
> To: Newbie List for Mandrake
> Subject: [newbie] NMB Problem anew...
> Ok. Since I last posted this problem I have found that I can
> correct the
> NMB [FAILS] at boot up time by changing the Hostname in netconf to
> localhost.localdomain and adding the dns server name and IP address to
> the hosts and lmhosts files. I can talk to the network this way, but I
> can not see my computer on the network when I use someone
> elses NT box.
> If I change the hostname to the correct name for my computer
> in netconf,
> then NMB fails again and I can not talk to the network
> properly and can
> still not see my computer on the network.  I do not have a static IP
> address for my computer and use DHCP to connect to the DNS server. I
> wish to keep using DHCP, because I would prefer to not tie up
> another of
> the company's IP addresses.  Does anyone have any idea why SAMBA has
> such problems with DHCP?
> Thanx,
> SA

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