Heh. Plopped down 99 bucks for a GeForce FX PCI card (since my 'Trident
Cyberblade' onboard refused to do DRI and was slow as shite). Powered down,
slotted the card, powered back up, Mandrake detected it and offered to run the
'appropriate config tool', which meant selecting the GF instead of the onboard,
and that's it. It loaded the appropriate modules/drivers, modified my XFConfig,
and now I am happily watching fullscreen video and using my beloved SVCD script

You know, I just can't get the hang of this Linux thing... :-D

JoeHill RLU #282046 /  www.orderinchaos.org
Kernel 2.4.22-21.tmb.1mdk Mandrake Linux release 9.2 (FiveStar) for i586
14:16:46 up 20 min, 3 users, load average: 1.06, 0.80, 0.42
"Superstition, idolatry, and hypocrisy have ample wages, but truth goes
a-begging." -- Martin Luther

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