On Mon, 2004-05-24 at 00:09, Thomas Wilkowski wrote:

> I have read many HowTo manual concerning anything
> close to this topic. There does not seem to be a lot
> out there specifically on partition transfer from disk
> to disk. Either this is a very easy process and I am
> one of the few people having a problem--or, this is
> not something that is done very often. The files on
> the dd command are few. Lost I am.
> I am truly at my wits end. Please, if anyone has
> copied or cloned or rewritten their setup from one
> drive to another--keeping all executable programs) I
> could really use the help. I should say that I do not
> have windows on this computer, don't want, don't want
> to need it. I gave it up. So, as wonderful as Ghost is
> or Partition Magic, they are not really a solution.
> Any other suggestions a will gladly receive. This has
> been done before I am sure of it. Thanks in advance
> for any responses.
> tsw

If you want to transfer files from one partition to another cleanly
formatted partition, there are several easy ways to do this.  Although
there are many variations, here are a few that I have on hand:

GNU Copy command:

mkdir to_dir; cp -ax from_dir to_dir

GNU Cpio command:

cd from_dir; find | cpio -pd to_dir

GNU Tar, Method A:

mkdir to_dir; tar clf - -C from_dir . | tar xvf - -C to_dir

GNU Tar, Method B:

(cd from_dir && tar cf - .) | (cd to_dir && tar xpvf -)

This next method has been touted for RAID partitions.  Don't know quite
why, and I haven't tried it:

tar clf - / | tar xpfC - /mnt/raidwasmountedhere

Now, the method I personally would use, if I were you, would be the GNU
Cpio command method.  Reason why is that since you are using the "find"
command to grab all the filenames, this gives you extreme control over
where the filenames are grabbed from.  In other words, suppose you have
your filesystems mounted, all of them, normally, the system is up and
working, and you have mounted the new partitions under the /mnt
directory and you want to transfer, say, the root ( / ) partition over.

How do you do that without also grabbing /usr, /var, /tmp and /boot,
which for instance on my system are all on seperate and distinct
partitions?  Easy.  Find lets you do that with the -mount qualifier. 
For instance, lets say you want to grab the root filesystem and leave
all the other partitions OUT of the picture.  You would do:

cd /; find -mount | cpio -pd /mnt/hdb6

Where /mnt/hdb6 is where you have your "root" partition mounted.  Find
will now seek out all files on the root partition, including their
permissions, ownership, sticky bit settings, etc, etc, etc, and
faithfully pass that info along to cpio, which then will faithfully
reproduce the whole thing on /mnt/hdb6.

This saves you alot of work, assuming you were planning to copy each
directory manually and individually.  ;)


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