On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Steve Philp wrote:

^ is that a type-o ? i have 2mdk and 5mdk localy (i'd really hate to think
i'm that outdated, but it is posible)

> I was messing with /etc/rc.d/init.d/network tonight trying to help out
> another user to get aliased interfaces to work correctly.  I had hacked
> the file to bits without creating a backup (shame on me, I know).
> I used 'rpm -e --nodeps' to remove the initscripts package thinking I
> could easily reinstall it from the CD.  How wrong I was.
> I used 'rpm -i --nodeps --force' to install the package but
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/network didn't reappear.  Actually _NONE_ of the files
> contained in the package got installed (rc.local, for instance, didn't
> get replaced -- my changes were still at the bottom of the file).

I didn't need to use --nodeps or --force, the latest versions i know do
not require linux_logo anymore so you shouldn't ever need tell it nodeps.

> The --nodeps in both of the above lines are necessary because RPM
> (rightly) believes that the package is necessary.  The --force is
> necessary upon reinstallation because RPM (wrongly) still believes the
> package is installed.

stupid rpm bug. it does not like the 

[ -f /var/lock/TMP_1ST ] && rm -f /var/lock/TMP_1ST

for the %postuninstall (bash2 issue if i remeber right)

> Thinking it might have been a bad package, I installed the source
> package and rebuilt it with 'rpm -bb' then reinstalled it.  Still no
> change.  RPM thinks it installed the package!
> Finally, I ended up just going into the BUILD/ directory and hand
> copying the files I needed back into their directories.
rpm -bi --short-circuit initscripts.spec
cp -r /var/tmp/initscripts-something/* / # <- this isn't right but you get
the idea
> Is something horribly broken with the RPM database that it's not getting
> updated when packages are removed?  I previously reported a bug with
> portmap in which it's entry didn't get removed from the database when
> the package was removed -- any progress on that one?
> So, the question is -- How did initscripts files get installed in the
> first place if they won't install now?  How do I GET that package to
> reinstall correctly??  I can provide 'rpm -Uvvvvvh --nodeps --force'
> output if necessary...
(touch /var/lock/TMP_1ST \
        rpm -e initscripts --nodeps && \
        rpm -i initscripts-4.42-3mdk.i586.rpm ) || ( \
        rpm -i --replacefiles --replacepkgs initscripts-4.42-3mdk.i586.rpm )

Something like that, you probably should never ever rpm -e initscripts
just imagine had your power gone off :)

Q: How did initscripts files get installed in the first place if they won't install 
A: the initial packages (base section, from comps) are installed via cpio
   not via rpm

Not sure about subsequent rpms..

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