Hi All,
I have a pretty ordinar question but I need it answered urgently. I have to build a new Linux Box and I have a spare Chaintech MB with an Intel 810 chipset.
The board runs Win95 and Win98 without probs, but NT crashes about 10 times a day on it. I've had the board replaced with the same result so I can assume that the board is OK but NT isn't happy with it. As the board sits in my boss PC for the moment, I'm going to replace it with a more proven MB (an AOPEN AX6B) and recycle the I810 to Linux.
I know about the video chipset issues, but that is not of my concern as the box will be placed in our noc about 40Km away from the office so I will use a remote X-session or just plain command line. I still have a few older VGA cards lying around so I could always fitt one of these.
My boss is pulling is hairs out because of the NT crashes, but I don't want to dismantle his PC before being sure that linux will run on an I810 chipset with 128megs of ram, 18GB hdd and a celeron466... so, to all of you... will it?
thx ;o)
Patrick Putteman
Internet Support Manager
Net7 - Member of the Advalvas Group

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