You will probably get a lot of replys but here goes....

I have 2 HDs. and 2 CDs

drive 1 / primamry master is cut up in 5 gig parts
drive 2 / primary slave 
hdb1 Linux Native
hdb5 Linux Swap
then the CDs are hdc and hdd

to get linux to see all those I setup linux on the second drive and it
will see
hdb1 and hdb5 already when I boot there.
to get linux to see the other drive I use the mount command.

is that any help? 
On Sat, 06 Nov 1999 18:28:11 -0600 M L Cates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have a second backup hard drive on my system . I made a second
> partition on it using FIPS.
> How do I (1) get linux to recognize it and (2) how do I reformat it 
> for
> linux.
> Before i added a second partion it was recognized as hdd1 (dos).
> I assume my new partition is hdd2(?).
> M L Cates

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