On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 09:58:27 -0700
Eric Huff disseminated the following:

> > it has some really interesting and cool config
> > options for mouse events on the panel. For example, my fav, you
> > can raise windows with mousewheel-up and vice versa. 
> That's a feature i actually would like.  Somethig like that is what
> i was hoping to find.

Ya, the wheel is definitely the most-used button on my mouse now, moving through
autogrouped windows, desktops, and with PyPanel, now seperate clients as well!

> > Anyway, try it out (if you haven't already) and see what you
> > think.
> Thanks Joe!

Always a pleasure.

JoeHill RLU #282046 /  www.orderinchaos.org
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