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Okay, I've been avoiding doing this for awhile, for fear of borking
something, but it's time.  :-)

I have a 40GB HD, with a dual boot setup of XP Pro and Mandrake.
Previously, I had pared down the size of the XP partition, so that my
current allocation is as follows:

        XP Pro          NTFS    hda1    14 GB
        unassigned       --      --     9.7 GB
        /               ext3    hda5    5.8 GB
        swap             --     hda6    0.5 GB
        /home           ext3    hda7    6.5 GB

I'd like to make the currently unassigned drive space (or most of it,
anyway) a FAT32 shared data partition, but want to make sure that I
understand the procedure -- and any potential problem areas -- before
I attempt it, as I'd /like/ to leave the current installation and data
intact, rather than doing so via a wipe/reinstall.

So, questions:
(Feel free to dumb down your answers to the appropriate level of
understanding ... i.e., you can't go /too/ low :-), as you can no
doubt tell by the questions themselves.)

1.  Am I correct in assuming that, because Windows flavors tend not to
play well with others, that the formatting/assignment of the free
space to FAT32 should be done from within Mandrake, or not?  If so,
would I then have trouble getting XP to recognize it.

2.  Regardless of where the operation is performed, the drive
assignments (currently hda5-7) would end up getting renumbered,
correct?  If so, will Mdk handle this automatically, or need I be
prepared to do some manual editing of config files?

3.  Running a laptop, and having run into a failed resume cycle
yesterday, I'm thinking the fail may have been due to the resume data
being written to the current swap partition?  If so, would it then
make sense to take some relatively small amount of that free space and
set it aside for such purpose.

What I probably really need is a detailed step-by-step before I'm
comfortable performing this, but I certainly don't expect anyone here
to go to such lengths.  So, if anyone has a pointer to a really
//basic// step-by-step, a link would be appreciated.  All I've found
so far is either not Mandrake-specific or details only part of the


- -- Chuck MATTSEN / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / Mahnomen, MN / RLU #346519 Mandrakelinux release 10.1 (Cooker) for i586 kernel 2.6.3-9mdk 06:55:00 up 11:00, 2 users, load average: 0.51, 0.28, 0.15

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~     Doubt grows with knowledge
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