EH> So, if i have xinetd and sshd running, is that duplicating services?

Only if your xinetd configuration has sshd enabled under xinetd. If not, you can run 
xinetd and sshd simultaneously (since, like I said, xinetd is basically just a wrapper 
for services, and if sshd isn't enabled, it won't be served)

EH> Or does xinetd intercept calls and then pass them to sshd?

Yes, xinetd does intercept incoming connections and passes them to the *xinetd* 
version of sshd. If you have a standalone version of sshd running, it won't get the 
connections that are accepted by xinetd.

I know this is confusing, but just remember that you can have multiple instances of 
the same server daemon running (think of it as multiple web browser windows open at 
the same time).

Justin Grote
Network Architect, CCNA
JWG Networks
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove nospam-)
SMS:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove nospam-)
Phone: (208) 631-5440

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