On 7/21/2004 at 8:20 AM, Hoyt Bailey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

HB> Ok now I know more than I did do you know of a reference that lists all
HB> ports and their use?

IANA maintains a listing of the well known port numbers, a short description, and who 
registered them at http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers.

NetworkSorcery also maintains a list, with hyperlinks to more detailed descriptions of 
services at http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/protocol/ip/ports00000.htm

The problem is that services that use relatively arbitrary port numbers (for example, 
webmin uses 10000 even though it is not registered) will be harder to find out. There 
is a command that I've posted here before that will show what processes are using what 
ports on your system. Hopefully someone else can post it because it escapes me at the 
moment :)

Justin Grote
Network Architect, CCNA
JWG Networks
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove nospam-)
SMS:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove nospam-)
Phone: (208) 631-5440

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