Hi All ...
This past weekend I "built" my first computer ... A nervewracking experience for a newbie but I'm pleased to say nearly everything went smoothly (and was easier than expected - esp with Mandrake 10.0 - Took a few attempts to get WinXP loaded).  The only problem now is that I can't get the onboard network card to work with Mandrake 10.0 ... Here are some specs:
Mobo: MSI K8N Neo Platinum
Chipset: nVIDIA nForce3 250Gb
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3000+
LAN controller: same as chipset note (nVIDIA nForce3 250Gb controller)
When I run the Network config tool in MCC it fails to recognize the onboard LAN at all and instead asks me to make a "manual choice."  But none of the choices I tried seem to work.  (I tried "nvnet" for example but it just brought me back to the manual choice prompt - as did the 2 or 3 other listings I tried.)
I tried installing a PCI Linksys Etherfast card, too, and the config tool found the card and went through the setup process without errors but I still haven't got a working network connection ...
Finally, I use a Linksys cable/DSL router to connect to my ADSL connection ... The router is configured properly as I'm using it to connect now thru WinXP, and it also works with another box I have running Mandrake ...
I'm not sure what other info is needed to troubleshoot this so please let me know what else I need to provide ...
Any and all help is appreciated ...
Thanks in advance,

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